Tar and asphalt factory, Ringe
Villavej 17 - 23
5750 Ringe
Lone Dissing
Region Syddanmark
T: 76631937
E: lone.dissing@rsyd.dk
Former tar and asphalt factory
Præsentation af sitet
The site is empty and owned by Region of Southern Denmark
• 1–6 m bgl Glacial till, heavily fractured
• 6-10 m bgl Glacial till with sandy deposits (secondary aquifers)
• 10-14 m bgl Increasing dominance of sandy deposits
• Below this is an extensive cover of sand (primary aquifer)
• Heavily contaminated with tar
• Source area: Phenols up to 45,700 μg/l and NSO compounds up to 917 μg/l • Free phase tar in the primary aquifer
• Heavy contamination of local groundwater with dissolved tar components
• Narrow pollution plume with very high concentration of tar in the primary aquifer
A screening method developed by GroundTracer has been testet. The system consisted of a combination of two non-invasive methods – georadar and geotracer. The test were a part of the MICCS project (Methodology for fast and reliable Investigation and Characterization of Contaminated Sites)